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How to add the Veracity WTP Tag directly

The code should be placed on every page you wish to track. We recommend adding the tag to your website footer, just before the closing /body tag.

<script type="text/javascript">
window.veracity = window.bwai = {"formIntegration":false}; (function(a, d, w){var h= d.getElementsByTagName(a[0])[0];for(let i=0;i<a[3].length;i++){var s= d.createElement(a[1]);s.type=a[2]; s.src= a[3][i].c;s.setAttribute("integrity", a[3][i].i);s.setAttribute("crossorigin", "anonymous");h.appendChild(s);}})(['head', 'script', 'text/javascript', [{"i":'sha512-RZaUPcYG+YVW5gmPp0sxoO+dxSsQeNkwMxGlRIkEbZZhPgYqqzCIW6HD8j7SGFwUgPkzVB42NhAlYUdkx9Y6XQ==',"c":'//'}, {"i":'sha512-13GUu5vadQ2mQwPDwj2jREx1SnYNp0dg5UoI3RN+8Vo+AGFMnmmibbqC4XKnkxHpyK45GtYA2tPzuQJQQHvGgg==',"c":'//'}]], document, window) </script>

Is the code active?

If you want to test that the code is correctly installed and that any visits to your site are monitored, carry out the following instructions in your browser while looking at your website.

Developer Tools, Sources: F12 or right click and Inspect, to bring up the developer tools, select the “Sources” tab. In the left hand panel look down the list of scripts for “” and if you click the small triangle you should see this;

If you see this script then you are good to go.

If you are not seeing any data (after about an hour from installing the code) – First try logging out and logging back in, and if it’s still the same please report the issue on our forum.