Building a Microsoft Ads Exclusion Audience

1) Create a bot blocking audience using your existing UET
2) Share your UET with us, so we can start tagging bots with it
3) When the audience is big enough to serve exclude it from your campaigns

1) Create a bot blocking audience using your existing UET

1.a) Click Tools in the Sidebar and then select Audiences.

Tools > Audiences

1.b) Then click +Create    Create Audience

1.c) Give your audience the name “VTN Bot Blocking”, choose the “Remarketing list” option and hit Next.

1.d) From the drop down menus, select your tag for “Tag name”.

1.e) Select “Custom events” for “Whom to add to your audience”.

1.f) Add each of these events;

  1. Category | Equals   | veracity
  2. Action   | Equals   | bot_trap
  3. Label    | Equals   | bot_trap
  4. Value    | Equal to | 1       

Create Ms Audience

1.g) Increase Membership duration to 180 days.

1.h) Save the audience.

2) Share your UET with us, so we can start tagging bots with it


Select this new UET tag, scroll to the end of the column and click “View tag”

Use the email button to send the code to [email protected], so we can add it to our bot tagging system.

You do not need to add this tag to your site.

3) When the audience is big enough to serve exclude it from your campaigns

From Campaigns in the sidebar select “Audiences” in the Drop down.

Click “Create association”. And Select the campaign you want to add the exclusion audience to.

In Campaign exclusions select “Remarketeting lists” from the drop down menu and choose “VTN Bot Blocking”.

And click Save.

Create Association

Creating A Microsoft Ads exclusion audience is quite an involved process. If you give Veracity shared access to your Microsoft Ads account, we will use your UET to create an exclusion audience for you in your account.

Send us your account number and we will request access to it.

How to find your account number.
The account number is different than the manager account ID or account ID. Account numbers are an eight-digit mix of numbers and letters.  In the upper left-hand corner, select the Manager account to view all account names and corresponding account numbers in the drop-down menu.

When the audience is big enough to apply to your campaigns we will let you know to apply it to your campaigns.

If you still have any questions regarding building or using a Microsoft ads exclusion audience, please contact Support.