Our Bot Detection Tag is what makes Veracity unique. 

Veracity and Cookies – Veracity must not be part of your cookie consent process

Veracity is functional security software that does not use cookies; therefore it must not to be part of your cookie consent process. You do not need to make reference to the Veracity platform or Beaconsoft Limited in your Cookie Policy or Cookie Notice.

For more information see our GDPR compliance and cookie notice policy guidelines.

Adding the Veracity Tag directly

The code should be placed on every page you wish to track. We recommend adding the tag to your website footer, just before the closing /body tag.

<script type="text/javascript">window.veracity = {"formIntegration":false}; (function(a, d, w){var h= d.getElementsByTagName(a[0])[0];for(let i=0;i<a[3].length;i++){var s= d.createElement(a[1]);s.type=a[2]; s.src= a[3][i].c;s.setAttribute("integrity", a[3][i].i);s.setAttribute("crossorigin", "anonymous");h.appendChild(s);}})(['head', 'script', 'text/javascript', [{"i":'sha512-RZaUPcYG+YVW5gmPp0sxoO+dxSsQeNkwMxGlRIkEbZZhPgYqqzCIW6HD8j7SGFwUgPkzVB42NhAlYUdkx9Y6XQ==',"c":'//script.platform.veracitytrustnetwork.com/loader/index.js'}]], document, window) </script>

Google Tag Manager

*Google Tag Manager and Ad Blockers: Usually, the default settings of ad blockers won’t affect Google Tag Manager. Ad blockers will only block ads on the page that the user visits, but as users can adjust settings for ad blockers to remove any tracking scripts, that will also disable the Veracity tag.

With that in mind, we do not recommend deploying the Veracity tag through GTM unless you do not have access to the website admin. We instead recommend deploying the tag directly into your website as per the Direct install tab.

Go to Google Tag Manager and log in to your account or create a new one.

  1. Create a New Tag
  2. On the next page, name the new tag Veracity tag
  3. Click Tag Configuration,  and from the sidebar choose tag type Custom HTML Tag
  4. Paste in the Veracity tag from below
<script type="text/javascript">
window.veracity = {"formIntegration":false}; (function(a, d, w){var h= d.getElementsByTagName(a[0])[0];for(var bwaii=0;bwaii<a[3].length;bwaii++){var s= d.createElement(a[1]);s.type=a[2]; s.src= a[3][bwaii].c;s.setAttribute("integrity", a[3][bwaii].i);s.setAttribute("crossorigin", "anonymous");h.appendChild(s);}})(['head', 'script', 'text/javascript', [{"i":'sha512-RZaUPcYG+YVW5gmPp0sxoO+dxSsQeNkwMxGlRIkEbZZhPgYqqzCIW6HD8j7SGFwUgPkzVB42NhAlYUdkx9Y6XQ==',"c":'//script.platform.veracitytrustnetwork.com/loader/index.js'}]], document, window) </script>
    1. For Triggering select All Pages
    2. Save the Tag
    3. Submit, then Publish the Tag


Adding the Veracity Tag with our WordPress plugin

Download, install and activate the plugin from here.

This guide covers how to install the Veracity code into your Shopify site.

IMPORTANT: This involves editing the theme files for your site. Knowledge of web design languages such as HTML, CSS, Javascript and Liquid is recommended.

  1. From your Shopify admin, click Online Store, then click Themes
  2. Find the theme you want to edit, click the ... button,
  3. Then click Edit HTML/CSS:
  4.  Add the Tracking Code to your site
    On the Edit HTML/CSS page in your shop admin, click on theme.liquid under Layouts to open the layout in the online code editor. Scroll through the file until you find the closing body </body> tag add the following code:
<script type="text/javascript">window.veracity = {"formIntegration":false}; (function(a, d, w){var h= d.getElementsByTagName(a[0])[0];for(let i=0;i<a[3].length;i++){var s= d.createElement(a[1]);s.type=a[2]; s.src= a[3][i].c;s.setAttribute("integrity", a[3][i].i);s.setAttribute("crossorigin", "anonymous");h.appendChild(s);}})(['head', 'script', 'text/javascript', [{"i":'sha512-RZaUPcYG+YVW5gmPp0sxoO+dxSsQeNkwMxGlRIkEbZZhPgYqqzCIW6HD8j7SGFwUgPkzVB42NhAlYUdkx9Y6XQ==',"c":'//script.platform.veracitytrustnetwork.com/loader/index.js'}]], document, window) </script>

  1. Click Save

Integrating Veracity bot detection with other platforms


If your website runs on Squarespace, you can manually add the code above by inserting it into the site footer. This is described in a video by the Squarespace team you can find here. Or follow these instructions.

Step 1 – Open Code Injection

In the Home Menu, click Settings, click Advanced, and then click Code Injection.

Step 2 – Add the Veracity tag

Add the Veracity tag  into the appropriate Code Injection fields for the footer.


If your website runs on a custom Magento theme, you can get instructions for adding custom Javascript here.


If you have built your website in Wix, please follow the instructions here.

You will need to add the code to all pages and ‘load code’ on each new page. Also, place the code in the ‘head’ when prompted.

Other website builders

If your website runs on another online website building tool such as; Weebly,  1 & 1, etc. you will need to locate the area for adding scripts (just as you do when installing Google Analytics) and place your Veracity bot detection tag there.

Have you got a Content Security Policy?

If you are using a Content Security Policy you will need to add the hosts your CSP header’s ‘default-src’ directive or to ‘connect-src’, ‘style-src’ and ‘script-src’ directives.


For more information see our GDPR compliance and cookie notice policy guidelines.

Is the code active?

If you want to test that the code is correctly installed and that any visits to your site are monitored, carry out the following instructions in your browser while looking at your website.

Developer Tools, Sources: F12 or right click and Inspect, to bring up the developer tools, select the “Sources” tab. In the left hand panel look down the list of scripts for “script.platform.veracitytrustnetwork.com” and you should see this;

Screenshot 2024 01 26 At 15.42.34

If you see this script then you are good to go.